Southern States 100

March 20th - 22nd 2026

A 100 mile, point-to-point trail race, on the Pinhoti Trail, from Cave Springs, Georgia to the top of Mt Cheaha

The Southern States 100 & 200 takes place on National Forest Lands. The run will cross through the Chattahoochee and Talladega National Forests.

Southern States 100 Mile Trail Run

Southern States 100 Details:

Date: Friday, March 20th through the 22nd, 2026

Time: 12:00 Noon start, Cave Springs, Georgia in Rolater Park. (Eastern Time)

Cutoff: 52 Hour Cutoff

Packet Pickup: Friday morning in Rolater Park, in Cave Spring, GA.

Transportation to the start: Runners that do not have a crew may ride the shuttle. The shuttle will leave from Cheaha State Park about 7:30 AM, central time. Shuttle fee is $50

Crew Transporting Runners to Start: Runner crews may take runners directly to the start. If you have a crew that can take you to the start, you do not need to ride the shuttle.

About: The Southern States 100 will be a point-to-point 100 mile endurance ran. The run will start in Cave Springs, Georgia, and follow the Pinhoti Trail for 100 miles to the top of the highest point in Alabama, Mount Cheaha. The finish will be at the Bald Rock Inn in Cheaha State Park.

What you need to know about the Southern States 100

  1. Hundred miles will join with 200 milers at the start in Cave Spring.

  2. You will have a rare chance to experience a 200 mile event from “the inside” without actually having to run 200 miles.

  3. This is a great way to learn some of the things you will need to know to successfully complete the Southern States 200, or any 200, in the future.

  4. Most hundreds have aid stations located every 5 or 6 miles. The Southern States 100 is part of a 200 mile race. Aid Stations for 200 mile races are located much further apart than shorter ultras. Southern States 100 aid stations will range from 6 miles to as far apart as 14.60 miles apart. This is one of the reasons we require runners to carry extra calories and water.

  5. You will spend some time with some amazing people. (Runners and Volunteers)

  6. Pacers will be allowed starting at Coleman Lake Aid Station.

  7. Aid Stations in 200 milers are a totally different “world” than aid stations in hundreds.

    A. All the aid stations, except one, allow dropbags.

    B. Several aid stations are also heated sleep stations.

    C. The aid stations prepare meals. (breakfast, lunch and dinner.)

    D. You can sit down at a table with real chairs to sort supplies and eat.

    E. Food is made-to-order or grab and go. Your choice,

Southern States 100 Elevation Profile

Southern States 100 Mile Endurance Trail Run Pace Chart and Cutoffs